
The Role of Technology: Balancing Screen Time and Digital Literacy

在当今快节奏的数字时代, technology plays an increasingly prominent role in education, 即使是最年轻的学习者. Educators and parents alike find themselves walking the fine line between embracing technology's benefits while also safeguarding children's 健康的 development. 

在格林谷, we recognize the importance of technological 技能 for our students' future success, 除了他们的幸福,希瑟·瓦格纳说, 低年级校长. “We strive to balance technology use with mindful, 亲身参与, empowering our students to navigate the digital world more confidently and responsibly." 在这个博客中, we'll explore strategies to help strike that balance when using technology not only in an educational setting, 在家里也是一样.


Digital literacy is defined as the knowledge, 技能, and attitudes that allow children to flourish and thrive, 既安全又有权力, 以适合年龄的方式. This is a crucial skill set that children should develop early on. From interactive learning apps to educational videos, technology offers valuable 资源 for engaging young minds and enhancing their learning experiences. By introducing these digital tools and activities, children can become confident and competent users of technology.

Setting Healthy Boundaries for Screen Time

虽然技术可以丰富学习, it's also essential to establish boundaries around screen time, 特别是对幼儿. 根据… 研究 由爱荷华州立大学发表于 JAMA儿科, reducing the amount of time children spend on the computer or in front of the TV, 以及监控内容, 会帮助他们睡得更多吗, 在学校表现更好, 表现得更好, 并降低肥胖的风险. 

在格林谷, we emphasize the importance of this balance, encouraging a blend of screen-based activities with hands-on, sensory experiences to promote holistic development. 

凯利Flink, 格林谷幼儿部主管, points out the lost chances when children spend too much time on screens. “Instead of enjoying physical activities like climbing and running, or letting their creativity shine through play, they miss out on these experiences and become disconnected.” Flink also emphasizes the importance of keeping an eye on screen time across all devices–TVs, 电脑, 平板电脑, 和手机. “孩子们应该活跃起来!”  

Integrating Technology into Play-Based Learning

Play is a cornerstone of education for young students, 培养创造力, 解决问题的能力, 以及社会情感发展. Technology can complement play-based learning by offering interactive games, 虚拟的故事, 数码艺术工具. By integrating technology into play in purposeful ways, we can harness its potential to spark 好奇心 and ignite children's imaginations.

At GVS, technology is seamlessly integrated with play-based learning in Kindergarten. Through our technology class, children learn coding through engaging games and activities.

Cultivating Digital Citizenship and Safety Awareness

作为数字原住民, children are growing up in a connected world w在这里 online interactions are a part of daily life. Teaching digital citizenship and internet safety 技能 is essential from an early age. Green Vale educates students about responsible online behavior, 隐私保护, 以及网络欺凌意识. One such way is through a partnership with 社会研究所 (TSI)—a national leader in curriculum designed to equip students to navigate the complex intersection of well-being, 社交媒体, 和技术. 

“TSI equips our students to make positive, 健康的, and high-character choices that fuel their health, 幸福, 以及未来的成功,高中校长说, 凯茜Iannotta. “Our School adopted TSI’s comprehensive program, 叫# WinAtSocial, 这促进了性格, 同理心, 团队合作, 以及其他重要的新葡京官网技能. 通过早期灌输这些价值观, we empower our students to navigate the digital world with integrity.”

Partnering with Parents to Foster Healthy Tech Habits

Collaboration between educators and parents is key to supporting children's 健康的 tech habits. 在格林谷, we provide 资源 and guidance to parents on managing screen time at home, 选择适合年龄的数字内容, 提倡平衡的新葡京官网方式. 通过作为一个社区一起工作, we can reinforce consistent messages about the responsible use of technology and create a supportive environment for our children to thrive.

Educators at Green Vale embrace technology as a tool for enhancing learning and preparing students for success in the 21st century. By striking a balance between screen time and hands-on experiences, we’re able to create a nurturing environment w在这里 children can develop essential digital literacy 技能 while also fostering their holistic growth and well-being. 在一起, let's empower our young learners to navigate the digital world with confidence, 好奇心, 和善良.